Friday, March 11, 2011

I suck

I have not blogged in so long!!!! What the heck!? I have zero access to my blog at work and not that I spend many work hours blogging it does help to get a quick one in every now and again. Once I get home and Carly is asleep my energy is spent. Plus, we're still working hard on baby #2 ... and that's consuming energy. =) Good energy though.

So Carly has spent the last few weeks getting over a cold. Along with that she's been suffering from early onset terrible twos. She's been throwing fits left and right. If it's not one thing it's another. I finally had to do our first "time out" the other day. I hadn't prepared so I just did what first came to mind. I put her in her crib - lights on, door open, and waited for her to calm down. After about 10 minutes she was laughing and talking to herself in her crib. It worked well. My concern is that I don't want to make the crib, her place of sleep, a negative place. She has always been a good sleeper and has never had a problem going to bed in her crib. She'll even REQUEST to play in there sometimes. So I don't want to make it the dungeon of doom. However, I was just doing my best. So I ordered a book that a friend suggested and have been thinking a lot about our "time out" plan. We need a plan. I will keep trying until I find something that works for our family. I had lots of great advice from Mommy friends on facebook and I have taken it all to heart. Every kid/family is different and we need to find what works for us. Carly is 90% angel and 10% tantrum these days. It's taking some adjustment.

Eating has been a little squirrely also. She's not as easy to feed. One day she'll love the crap out of something and the next she'll spit that same thing out. What gives? We're feeding her what we can and sometimes I'll even sneak a little warm bottle in there if I think she's not eaten enough before bed. A change is in the works people! Where will we go next!

Right now we are mega looking forward from our favorite cousin Amanda, her daughter Nora, and my Aunt Joan in May. Should be another great girls reunion weekend! We've missed them since seeing them in Minnesota this past fall. Nora is walking now so it will be great to watch the girls interact.

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