Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Bedtime, Naps and Pediatrician Updates

Carly's new bedtime is 8pm. She was a 7:15pm to 7:15am girl but lately her wake up times have been getting earlier. So we decided now that she's a week away from being 2 years old she can have a later bedtime. Last night it worked and she stayed in her room until 7:20am. Some nights she asks to go to bed earlier and that's fine. So days she doesn't have a nap too -- so thus would probably want to go down earlier.

Naps...that's a whole other story. She's been 50/50 on the naps lately. A good friend told me that her daughter stopped napping at 2 and a half. Oy! I really hope that's not the case. I will talk to the pediatrician about it on August 18th during her 2 year appointment. new job has some high insurance rates! So we opted for the HMO instead of the PPO. It's mega savings to do it this way. The one major down fall is that Carly has to switch pediatricians. This made me cry. For reals. I have been seeing the same nurse/lactation consultant since Carly was 3 days old! I can't believe I have to change now. The good news is that I found a pediatrician that my BFF neighbor uses, and if she uses them, I'll be fine. I consider BFF Neighbor to be one of those "Super Moms". She makes her own baby food and shit. She's a stay at home Mom and spends 99% of her waking hours talking to a toddler. It's amazing. I could never do that. I fear I'd go ape sh't! Anyway -- I think the new pediatrician should be fine. I will post if otherwise.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

ooh curious to know where the new peds office is...for some reason I think I went with the same ped your BFF neighbor did...but I don't know why I think that...