Friday, September 23, 2011

Learnign New Things

Carly is still crying at preschool drop off and Dex is still puking on car rides. We're all just learning new things and ways of the world!

We're really hoping Carly's drop offs will become easier. Right now she cries with fear when Eric's Mom drops her off and cries with Joy when Eric's Mom picks her up. That being said -- she must not cry all day because the school has not called me to have her picked up. So she must be enjoying the in-between times.

Dex had his first vet appointment last night. He barfed all the way there and back (in his crate) and so he had to have a bath when he got home and I had to wash all his bedding. Sent vet an e-mail about what I can do in the future to prevent this from happening. We drive to the beach house too often for this to happen. It's gross and it's torture for the dog.

The vet visit went well though. Vet said that Dex has a lot of cocker personality and not so much Cavalier which bummed me out -- but oh well. I guess that's what you get when you pay $300 for a dog vs. $1200. His skittish/scared behaviors around strangers and strange things is cocker. Cavaliers are apparently very carefree. She suggested two things to help with that part of his behavior and that is:

#1 Get him fixed soon (next Wednesday) to lessen the testosterone which can lead to aggressive behavior, fearful behavior and generally obnoxious behavior and

#2 Obedience training ASAP

She gave him ear ointment for a little ear infection (he's been itching his ears), which is common in cocker spaniels, and she gave him the standard heart worm pills and front line (flea/tick meds) which I gave him last night. I have to take him back for stool sample and rabies shot, although I'm hoping they'll do the rabies shot when they fix him. It would just make things easier and I wouldn't have to go back so many times. They couldn't do rabies last night b/c they gave him his last distemper and I guess you can't do both at the same time. So we have a lot to look forward to and Dex has some big things to accomplish over the next few months!

He peed in the house last night and this morning. Grrr....I need to be better and more patient about taking him out. I take him out when he starts showing signs of antsy-ness and then he doesn't pee and after 5 minutes I take him in and then he pees right away in the house. Very frustrating but I'm trying to keep my cool about it because at this point in the game it is MY FAULT. Basically, he can't be left alone. Not even for a second and they tell you that in the booklets so I know better.

I will admit it's hard to have a puppy and a 2 year old. I was dabbing up pee off the bedroom carpet this morning when Cary climbed up my back to go on a "ride". The entire time Dex is underneath me wondering why I'm patting the floor right where he made his glorious pee spot. It was a tad overwhelming and I had to ask Eric for assistance.

That being said I love Dex and he's been a great addition to our home. I'm anxious to start the obedience training in October. They're going to teach him the following:

-Introduction to simple cues, such as sit, come and stay
-Basic manners
-Socialization with people and other dogs
-Relationship-forming games
-Problem prevention
-Tips on puppy health, grooming and nutrition

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