Wednesday, April 04, 2007



This past weekend 3/31-4/1

3/31/07 ~ Deannie and I walked from Shirlington, VA to Vienna, VA on the W&OD trail. It was a total of 13.5 miles and took us just short of forever to complete! For some reason I was hurting at mile 2 and had to just focus and keep my eye on the prize.

On our trip we set our eyes on a Wood Duck -- which was very exciting!

4/1/2007 ~ Deannie was coming down with a cold and I was coming down with a mad case of PMS so we opted for a short walk on Sunday. 5 miles around Burke Lake Park. On this walk we actually (for the first time!) saw other Avon Walk participants training. That was a nice boost! It's always nice to know that others are getting out there and working as hard as you are.

I also wanted to say thanks to all our friends who have volunteered to accompany us on our walks. They don't seem to have a huge desire to walk the 39 miles with us (strange!) but they love being able to chat on the shorter ones. Thanks Guys!

The MS walk I'm heading up is on the 14th of April. I'm praying for nice weather and great convo with some really special friends. If you have a burning desire to help out the MS community -- please go to my website and donate just a few dollars --

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