Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Unemployment: Day 3

Today I slept in! 11am baby! It was great but I was attacked by new job/interview nightmares. Ugh! I think I'm stressed out and don't realize it during the awake hours so it attacks me at night. That seems cruel to me!

Today I put all the furniture back in it's place now that the carpet is dry and clean. Then I took Lady for a walk. I worked to speed up our home computer although it still seems hella slow. I have a 3:30pm babysitting job that should go until midnight and will produce some cash flow. Until then I'm just watching some TV, picking up around the house, and checking e-mails.

Check out this picture of Lady and my friend Angela's new baby Lorenzo. This was taken last night during out visit. Lady doesn't look too impressed.


Keelee said...

Welcome to my world! I have slept in for two week til 11!!! Love being a teacher and having the summer off!


Jessiedc28 said...

We miss you!