Wednesday, October 04, 2006

To be fat or not to be fat

Any of you that have read my blog for a while know that I go through fat spells. Spells of exercising, spells of not exercise, dieting, crying because I'm fat and rejoicing because I'm thin. It's such a fucking roller coaster but I accept that it's just life. That being said, 6 weeks in to my married life I will not be a fat ass. So....

This morning I woke up and I couldn't fit in to my jeans. Well...I COULD but it was atrocious, and I was ashamed. Ashamed of myself. Ashamed of my eating habits. And Ashamed that I am a NON EXERCISER. NON. In an self pity state I realized I had two options. ..

  1. Lay on the floor in the fetal position and sob relentlessly.
  2. Put on my tennis shoes, drop Eric's car off at the shop as planned, and WALK the 10 or 12 blocks from the auto shop to the office.


Hear me - one of the best benefits of having a husband is having a partner. A buddy if you will. When I came to Eric about my lard ass situation, and said I was going to start waking up early in the morning and taking Lady on a long walk, he offered to come with me. Thus, he is the most wonderful man in the world. So, starting tomorrow, we're going to get up at 6am, walk Lady for 45 minutes, eat a healthy breakfast on the patio together, and then go to work. We'll be fit, enjoying the fresh air, and spending shit loads of quality time together. Sounds like the perfect recipe for morning sex, right?


Anonymous said...

It's always worked for us!!

Jacq said...

You get fat???? No way!!! Wait until you get into your 30s, it's no walk in the park. (Pardon the pun!!)

Good luck with the walking regiment!